IP President’s Statement

Internal Audit is the lynchpin of good governance. Good governance is the crying need of our times.

The Institute of Internal Auditors, Bangladesh (IIAB), an affiliate of the IIA Global (global.theiia.org ) was formed in 2004 to rekindle the importance of Internal Audit in private and public corporate sectors in Bangladesh. IIAB’s membership stands at 337 now and is growing. IIAB offers a platform for learning, training for IIA qualifications such as CIA, peer to peer sharing of ever evolving global best practices as adopted in Bangladesh.

The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) Global was established in 1941 with global headquarters in Lake Mary, Florida, USA. This international professional association is the internal audit profession’s global voice, recognized authority, acknowledged leader, chief advocate, and principal educator. Members work in internal auditing, risk management, governance, internal control, information technology audit, education, and security.

I would earnestly request you to get involved, visit our website, offer feedback and suggestions to set ourselves on a path of continuous improvement and making Internal Audit, the harbinger of efficient management, the cornerstone for Bangladesh’s inclusive development.

With my very best wishes to all of you for 2019 and beyond.

With kind regards

Mr. Mohammed Iqbal Hossain

IP President

The Institute of Internal Auditors, Bangladesh (IIAB)